Main Window

Once EduSweep has been started, you will be presented with its main window as shown below. This window is used for managing and starting existing Scan Tasks, and for accessing other parts of the application such as reports or the Settings window.


Scan Tasks

The scan tasks list displays all existing scan tasks. When EduSweep is first installed this list will be empty as no tasks have been created yet. The New button on the toolbar is used to create a new task that will then be available from the list.

When a task is selected from the list the Start Task, Edit and Delete buttons on the toolbar will be enabled, as long as the task is not currently running.


A new task can be created at any time, but a task cannot be started, edited or deleted while it is running.

The buttons on the toolbar provide the following functionality:

  • Start Task: Opens the Task Progress window to run the selected scan task.
  • New: Opens the New Task window to create a new scan task.
  • Edit: Opens the Edit Task window to modify the selected scan task.
  • Clone: Creates a copy of the selected task. The cloned task will be created with a name in the format: <OldTaskName> (Copy). Once cloned, the two tasks are not linked in any way.
  • Delete: Removes and permanently deletes the selected scan task.

Status Bar

The status bar at the bottom of the window displays the working directory - the location that EduSweep is using for storing its scan tasks, reports, quarantine files, settings, logs and custom signatures. By default this will be within the roaming profile of the current user. In a portable installation this will be the directory containing the main EduSweep executable.