
The settings window provides configuration options for EduSweep that affect reports, quarantined files, logging and antivirus (ClamAV) integration.

Quarantine Tab


The quarantine tab sets the age limit for quarantine files and whether files older than this limit should be removed automatically or not. Age, in this context, refers to the number of days since a given file was moved into quarantine.

The automatic removal, if enabled, occurs each time EduSweep is started.

Regardless of whether automatic removal is enabled or not, the quarantine folder can be emptied using the Empty Quarantine button. This will remove all files from quarantine regardless of their age.

Reports Tab


The reports tab sets the age limit for reports and whether reports older than this limit should be removed automatically or not. Age, in this context, refers to the number of days since a given report was generated.

The automatic removal, if enabled, occurs each time EduSweep is started.

Regardless of whether automatic removal is enabled or not, the reports folder can be emptied using the Remove All Reports button. This will remove all reports regardless of their age.

Antivirus Tab


The antivirus tab manages EduSweep’s integration with a ClamAV server (clamd). If the Enable ClamAV antivirus integration checkbox is ticked then ClamAV integration is enabled at the application level. Scan tasks also provide this setting at a task level and the two work in combination:

Enabled at application level + Enabled at task level: ClamAV will be used Enabled at application level + Disabled at task level: ClamAV will not be used Disabled at application level + Enabled at task level: ClamAV will not be used Disabled at application level + Disabled at task level: ClamAV will not be used


If ClamAV is going to be used for a scan task then EduSweep will test connectivity with the clamd server before beginning the scan process. If the server does not respond then ClamAV integration will be disabled for the scan, overriding the above settings.

The address and port of the server can be set using the text box and numeric selector. The address may be given as a hostname (fully-qualified where possible) or as an IP address. Ensure that the host is reachable from all machines where EduSweep will be used.

EduSweep defaults to localhost:3310, which is appropriate for using EduSweep on a single machine which is also running clamd locally.

Use the Test Connection button to have EduSweep ping the clamd server to check the specified address and port for correctness.

Logging Tab


The logging tab allows the level of logging data generated by the application to be adjusted. This affects both the application log and the logs generated for scan tasks when they are run.

Reducing the logging level to Minimal will reduce the output in both the scan task log files on disk and the scan task log displayed in the Task Progress window. This option may be desired if you find that the default setting is too verbose.

Increasing the logging level to Enhanced will only affect the log files (because of the extreme verbosity) and the log in the Task Progress window will not display the additional log output.

In most cases it is sufficient to leave the logging level at its default setting unless you are encountering issues and requesting support.

Language Tab


The language tab is used to set the language used for the EduSweep interface. Currently only a single language is available (British English), additional translations are planned for future releases.